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In this study, 36 pairs of SSR markers were used to compare and analyze the genetic diversity of 1610 rice varieties bred in China from the 1980s to the 2010s. Understanding the genetic diversity of various rice ( Oryza sativa L.) cultivars cultivated over time in China is of great significance for the selection of parent materials for targeted rice breeding and the cultivation of new desirable varieties. The analysis results are loaded inside the default web browser and presented in a tree-like structure to make them easier to select and read. A simple solution for a complex, genetics related taskTo sum things up, Arlequin is indeed a good choice for anyone involved in the study of population genetics. Thanks to a solid feature pack, ease of use and quick processing, this software solution seems appropriate for such analyses and, in the same time, accessible for a great number of users.
In all ages, indica rice contained the largest number of unique alleles (19) in the 2000s, and japonica rice contained the largest number of unique alleles (11) in the 2010s. The total number of alleles, the number of unique alleles, and the number of varieties with unique alleles tend to increase over decades of breeding. Over time, original unique alleles are lost, and new unique alleles are added. Japonica Kato) rice varieties were higher than those of indica ( Oryza sativa L. The genetic diversity parameter values of japonica ( Oryza sativa L. The average gene diversity index and the polymorphism information content (PIC) of each locus were 0.8403 and 0.8243, respectively.
Most of the pair-wise Fst comparisons between different periods were at a statistically significant level. Analysis of molecular variance showed that genetic variation was primarily derived from differences of varieties that were bred during a given period. Gene diversity indices and PIC for indica rice reached their maximums (0.698 and 0.664 respectively) in the 1990s and japonica rice reached its highest values for these diversity metrics (0.791 and 0.766 respectively) in the 2000s.
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